


Wednesday, February 25, 2015



Prottyashi- Committed to Sustainable Development
PROTTYASHI is a voluntary social development organization established in February 1983. A group of openhearted self-motivated & patriot volunteers of Chittagong established this social development organization to help the abused people of society and ensure their involvement in national development. From its inception, PROTTYASHI played an important role to protect socio-economic hazards by initiating and implementing various social development programs. Believing that "organization" is essential for sustainable development, PROTTYASHI has been trying its best to organize its target groups through unification and cohesion. Initially in 1983,PROTTYASHI started with small-scale family planning program focusing on Maternal and Child Health- Family Planning (MCH - FP). Gradually, in 1995 the program was expanded in ten (10) unions in Boalkhali Upazila of Chittagong with the support of FPSTC. Since then, PROTTYASHI has been conducting various social development projects like group formation, Micro finance Program, skills development training, MCH - FP, Nonformal education, safe water and sanitation, afforestation, environmental protection and disaster management. The basic aim is to empower and encourage women to take active participation for their own socio-economic development and be aware of gender issues confronting them